Form cover
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Patch Grants Application

About me

First name


Date of birth

Home address (county)


Email address

Contact number

My project

How would you describe your project in a tweet?

(280 character limit)

Tell us more about your project

Why did you take it on? Why do you think it's interesting, important, or different to existing solutions? How much progress have you made to date? What was most challenging? What was most enjoyable?

What would you like to achieve in the next six weeks?

What would you like to achieve in the next six months?

What size grant are you applying for (up to €1,000)?

How will you use the grant money?

What else do you most need help with?

Supporting links

Please link to any project websites, Github profiles, portfolios, Google Drive folders, videos, blog posts, or anything else that will help us get a sense of your work to date and plans for this project.
Please list each URL on a separate line (and make sure link sharing is turned on where necessary)